Frequently Asked Question

Quotas on Secure Virtual Cloud
Last Updated a year ago


The system controls the allocation of resources to each VPC based on the plan purchased and these break down into 4 categories.

Resource Quota

This determines the amount of processing power and memory your virtual cloud can consume at any one time, and is really dependent on the use case. If you have a low traffic website then this will never be an issue, but for high traffic sites and sites that make use of high levels of server side processing and extensive database activity then you need to plan for this when ordering so we can make sure you have the right allocation of resources to ensure your website is fast. You can of course upgrade at any time through your account manager or reseller.

Disk Quota

This is the total amount of disk storage allocated to the VPC, and this is a hard limit. When selecting a VPC plan its important to consider the total amount of storage required which will include your website, database, email and any other system you intend to host. You can always increase this at any time through your account manager or reseller.

Bandwidth Quota

This is the total mount of traffic in any 30 day period that is allocated to the VPC, and this is a hard limit. For high traffic websites it is important to calculate this requirement so the correct limit can be set. You can always increase this at any time through your account manager or reseller.

Email Quota

For each email address, a soft limit quota is set which limits the storage that email account can consume. Email quotas need to be setup so that your Disk Quota is shared in a controlled way between the services you have. You may for example have 10GB of disk quota, and 10 email accounts, in which case you could allocate 1GB to each and never exceed the hard limit Disk Quota, but if you have a website that itself requires 1GB of storage (including the database) then it would be possible to run out of disk quota, so instead you would set each email quota to 0.9GB. Email quotas don't have to all be the same, you can for example have one mailbox with a 8GB quota, 9 with a 113MB quota and still have 1GB left for your website and database. Email quotas can be changed anytime through the helpdesk but its important to stay within the hard limit of the disk quota because if you have 10GB of disk quota, and then have 10 mailboxes all with a 5GB quota then at some point you will exceed the disk quota and everything will stop working until you free up some space or upgrade to a large disk quota.

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