Frequently Asked Question

Automated Protection Systems
Last Updated 8 months ago

All our systems operate a mixture of automated and human driven protection systems. We analyse traffic data and take action to prevent abuse. This is for your benefit, as we're in most cases protecting your data and services from attack and potential breach.

It is important to understand some of the automated systems and how they will impact you at a single site, or multi-site given a certain pattern of abuse.

Authentication Failures

If you fail to authenticate on any of the standard services, like IMAP4, SMTP, SSH, HTTPS then we will block that IP address for a short time, or engage countermeasures. This means that if you have one device at your IP address which is hammering bad passwords, the system will likely block that service from that IP address, and then everyone else will find they cannot connect. To resolve this, locate the rouge device and correct its bad password. The Helpdesk is not able to determine the location or type of device this is, as from our perspective its coming from a single IP Address and that's as far as we can see.


We use two different IP Reputation services to build a picture of any IP connecting to our services. Fraud and Abuse flags may prevent a certain IP from connecting, and we see this occasionally when customers are using public Wifi, such as coffee shops, restaurants, and airports. If you find yourself penalised because the IP you've been allocated by a public wifi router has a poor reputation, simply switch to another provider such as 5G or another outlet. We are not able to 'whitelist' such addresses.

Forced NAT

Some mobile operators (EE) force their customers traffic through a NAT, so that all traffic comes from a very limited set of IP Addresses, and these are often flagged as suspect or had a poor reputation. When we know a provider does this, we add rules that make allowances for this, but we cannot guarantee it will work in all cases. If you're regularly using a 5G carrier and finding that services are restricted, then contact us as we can often provide you with a VPN solution. 

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