Frequently Asked Question

UK Dialling Prefixes and Rates
Last Updated 7 years ago

00 International dialling
01 and 02 Geographic numbers with area codes
030 Geographic - used by public sector and not-for-profit bodies
033 Geographic - new allocations
034 Geographic - migrating numbers from matching 084 numbers
037 Geographic - migrating numbers from matching 087 numbers
055 Corporate numbers
056 Location independent electronic communications service (VoIP)
070 Personal numbering service with varying premium rates
071 to 075
077 to 079
Mobile services
076 Radiopaging services - soon to be reallocated
080 Freephone numbers
082 Internet for schools
084 Premium Rate with additional varying service charge
087 Premium Rate with additional varying service charge
090 and 091 Premium Rate Services (PRS) revenue share numbers
0908, 0909, 098 Sexual Entertainment Services (SES) revenue share at a premium rate

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